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MacLachlan College Poetry Festival 2024

This morning, MacLachlan College hosted its annual MacLachlan Poetry Festival, a cherished event celebrating the art of poetry and the talents of our young students.

Students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 3 participated in choral recitations, where each class was evaluated on their memorization skills, composure, elocution, and the complexity of their chosen poem.

We were thrilled to see the enthusiasm and dedication of our students as they brought their poems to life on stage. Additionally, the top 4 students from Grades 1-3 were given the opportunity to perform individual recitations, showcasing their personal interpretations and poetic flair. Judges will soon be selecting a winner from each grade level, and we look forward to announcing these outstanding young poets.

Events like these highlight the importance of creative expression and the joy of learning through the arts. Congratulations to all our participants for their hard work and impressive performances!


To prepare future-ready individuals, we need to share and instill common values across our school community and embed these values in everything we do.

Lower School

337 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, ON L6J 3H3, Canada
+1 (905) 844-0372

Upper School

2794 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, ON L6J 7T4, Canada